By Topic 0Back & SpineElbow & ShoulderFoot & AnkleHand & WristHipImaging & DiagnosticsKneeOrthoHealth (Wellness)Orthopedic CarePain ManagementPediatric OrthopedicsPhysical & Occupational TherapyPodiatryRheumatologySports MedicineSports NeurologyBy KeywordsPatient StoriesIBJI NewsJun 01, 2020Illinois Bone & Joint Institute Opens Physician Office in KildeerRead the News PostMay 19, 2020Leg and Foot Surgery During COVID-19: Jody's StoryRead the Patient StoryMay 12, 2020Illinois Bone & Joint Institute Begins COVID-19 Testing for Surgical PatientsRead the News PostMay 11, 2020IBJI Physicians Work Together to Repair Patient: Judy's StoryRead the Patient StoryMay 04, 2020Illinois Bone & Joint Institute Preparing to Reopen for Elective Surgeries and Musculoskeletal ProceduresRead the News PostApr 24, 2020Runner’s Knee: What Is It? How Is It Treated?Read the PostApr 23, 2020IBJI Podiatrist Fixed My Broken Ankle: Renee D's StoryRead the Patient StoryApr 23, 2020Put the Spring Back in Your Step this SeasonRead the PostApr 21, 2020Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care at HomeRead the PostApr 15, 2020A Great Tribute to the Orthopedic Profession: Sharon J's StoryRead the Patient StoryApr 10, 2020Foot Fracture Didn't Stop this Active 23 Year Old: Noah's StoryRead the Patient StoryApr 10, 2020Exercise with Everyday Household ItemsRead the PostApr 07, 2020How to Implement Ergonomics in Your Home OfficeRead the PostApr 03, 2020Hinsdale Orthopaedic Associates Joins Illinois Bone & Joint InstituteRead the News PostMar 25, 2020Patient Story: Total Knee Replacement Surgery (Charlie)Read the Patient StoryMar 02, 2020OAK Orthopedics Joins Illinois Bone & Joint InstituteRead the News PostFeb 13, 2020Seared Sea Scallops with Black Seafood Risotto and Asparagus-Arugula PuréeRead the PostFeb 13, 2020Futurist Medicine at IBJI Helps Man Live Life After Accident: Jose D's StoryRead the Patient StoryFeb 12, 2020IBJI's Outstanding Physical Therapist: Lynn M's StoryRead the Patient StoryFeb 11, 2020Alleviate Acute Neck & Back Pain at IBJI's Back to Life ClinicRead the News Post First | Previous | Pages 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15 16 17 of 30 | Next |Last