By Topic 1Back & SpineElbow & ShoulderFoot & AnkleHand & WristHipImaging & DiagnosticsKneeOrthoHealth (Wellness)Orthopedic CarePain ManagementPediatric OrthopedicsPhysical & Occupational TherapyPodiatryRheumatologySports MedicineSports NeurologyBy KeywordsPatient StoriesIBJI NewsFeb 11, 2025The Effect of Excess Weight on Your HipsRead the News PostJun 04, 2024Amanda's Story: Return to Active Life Post-Hip Replacement SurgeryRead the News PostJan 16, 2024Eileen's Story: From Pain to Pilgrimage - Journey to Hip Recovery at IBJIRead the PostSep 18, 2023Empowering Mobility with Robotic Hip and Knee ReplacementRead the PostOct 28, 2022Halloween Safety Tips 2022: Advice from Our Pediatric Orthopedist Read the PostOct 06, 2022He Had a Fun Friends' Golf Outing After Easy Outpatient Hip Surgery at IBJIRead the PostApr 26, 2022Avid Cyclist Notices a Big Difference After Having Surgery for Hip PainRead the Patient StoryApr 26, 2022He Could Walk Without Pain 12 Days After Left Hip ReplacementRead the Patient StoryFeb 02, 2022Patient Makes Rapid Return to Ice Skating After Hip Surgery (Anthony’s Story)Read the Patient StoryJan 05, 2022Running After Hip Replacement: Yes, It Can Be Done and This Patient Ran a MarathonRead the Patient StoryDec 06, 2021How One Executive Got Back to His Active Life After Hip Replacement (Jason’s Story)Read the Patient StorySep 01, 2021Successful Total Hip Replacement Recovery for Active Senior (Doris’ Story)Read the Patient StoryMar 26, 2021How Physical Therapy After Hip Replacement and High-Quality Care Speed Up Healing (Lotti R.)Read the Patient StoryMar 25, 2021Patient Story: Two Weeks After Hip Replacement (Brigitte K.)Read the Patient StoryOct 16, 2020How One Man Healed After Successful Hip Replacement Recovery (Nate B.’s Story)Read the Patient StoryOct 06, 2020Woman Feels Great After Hip Surgery to Fix Her Broken Hip (Lila’s Story)Read the Patient StoryJul 27, 202019 Years After Traumatic Pelvis Injury: David H's StoryRead the Patient StoryMay 11, 2020IBJI Physicians Work Together to Repair Patient: Judy's StoryRead the Patient StoryApr 15, 2020A Great Tribute to the Orthopedic Profession: Sharon J's StoryRead the Patient StoryJan 23, 2020Patient Story: Weight Loss for Hip Replacement (Sharon T.)Read the Patient StoryPages [1] 2 of 2 | Next |Last