Jason Ghodasra, MD

Jason Ghodasra, MD

Orthopedic Surgeon with Fellowship Training in Hand and Wrist Surgery

Phone: 630-323-6116

Board Certifications
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Surgery of the Hand Subspecialty Certification
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Practice Locations

  • 951 Essington Road
    Joliet, IL 60435

  • 1870 Silver Cross Boulevard Pavilion B
    Suite 200
    New Lenox, IL 60451

Affiliated Hospitals

  • Plainfield Surgery Center
  • Salt Creek Surgery Center

Areas of Expertise

  • Hand & Wrist Surgery
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  • Wrist Fractures (Broken Wrists)
    • Distal Radius Fractures
  • Hand & Finger Fractures
  • Trigger Fingers
    • Trigger Finger Release
  • Dupuytren's Contracture
  • Arthritis of the Hand & Wrist
  • Nerve Injuries of the Hand & Wrist
  • Wrist Arthroscopy
  • Sports Injuries
  • Workers’ Compensation


Dr. Jason Ghodasra attended Duke University, where he was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society and graduated magna cum laude. He received the Jerold A. Lein Endowed Scholarship to attend medical school at Northwestern University, graduating with distinction and completing a M.D./M.S.C.I. dual degree (Medical Degree and Master of Science in Clinical Investigation). He completed his orthopedic surgery residency at UCLA where he was elected and served as the chief resident in his final year. Dr. Ghodasra also completed a hand and upper extremity surgery fellowship in Baltimore, Maryland at the world-renowned Curtis National Hand Center.

Dr. Ghodasra has published over 20 peer-reviewed articles in orthopedic and medical journals and given over 50 national and international presentations, covering topics including the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cells in orthopedic surgery. He is passionate about being at the cutting edge of orthopedic research and takes great pride in providing his patients with the most advanced orthopedic care. Dr. Ghodasra utilizes non-surgical treatments as well as minimally invasive surgery, including endoscopic carpal tunnel release and arthroscopic surgery.

He has traveled on medical mission trips to underserved communities and from has provided free orthopedic care in the Dominican Republic and Ethiopia. He belongs to several professional organizations including the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, and the American Association for Hand Surgery. He was also selected to become a member of the American Orthopaedic Association Emerging Leaders Forum.

My Team


Bachelor of Science

Duke University, Durham, NC

Medical School

Northwestern University, Chicago, IL


University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA - Orthopaedic Surgery


The Curtis National Hand Center, Baltimore, MD - Hand and Wrist Surgery

Affiliations and Associations

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
  • American Society of Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
  • Bhayana K, Ghodasra JH, Sanghavi KK, Aliu O, Giladi AM. Compliance and variability of hospital price transparency in total knee and hip arthroplasty in the United States. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2022 Jun 15;30(12):e886-e893. PMID: 35294420.
  • Martini CJ, Burgess B, Ghodasra JH. Treatment of traumatic crush injury using a synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix in conjunction with split-thickness skin graft. Foot & Ankle Surg: Tech, Rep & Cases. 2022 Mar;2(1):1-4.
  • Ghodasra JH, Yousaf IS, Sanghavi KK, Rozental TD, Means KR, Giladi AM. Assessing the relationship between bone density and loss of reduction in nonoperative distal radius fracture treatment. J Hand Surg Am. 2021 May;46(5):377-385. PMID: 33741214.
  • Lee C, Pereira C, Zoller S, Ghodasra JH, Yamaguchi KT, Rough J, Sugi M, Benhaim P. Feasibility and reliability of open reduction internal fixation in delayed distal radius fracture management. J Hand Surg GO. 2019 Jul;1(3):138-143.
  • Bernthal NM, Hegde VV, Zoller SD, Park HY, Ghodasra JH, Eilber F, Eilber FC, Chandhanarat C, Eckardt JJ. Long-term outcomes of cement in cement technique for revision endoprosthesis surgery. J Surg Oncol. 2018 Mar;117(3):443-450. PMID: 29081066.
  • Ghodasra JH, Wang D, Jayakar RG, Jensen AR, Yamaguchi KT, Hegde VV, Jones KJ. The assessment of quality, accuracy, and readability of online educational resources for platelet rich Plasma (PRP). Arthroscopy. 2018 Jan;34(1):272-278. PMID: 28784239.
  • Zoller SD, Cao LA, Smith RA, Sheppard W, Lord E, Lee C, Ghodasra JH, Jeffcoat D. Staged reconstruction of diaphyseal fractures with segmental defects: Surgical and patient-reported outcomes. Injury. 2017 Oct;48(10):2248-2252. PMID: 28712488.
  • Chambers CC, Lynch TS, Gibbs DB, Ghodasra JH, Sahota S, Franke K, Mack C, Nuber GW. Superior labrum from anterior to posterior tears in the National Football League: Incidence, effects, and treatment. Am J Sports Med. 2017 Jan;45(1):167-172. PMID: 27793805.
  • Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Mendoza M, Nicolas JD, Bellary SS, Sonn K, Ashtekar A, Park CJ, Babu J, Yun C, Ghosh A, Kannan A, Stock SR, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. Ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis does not impact fusion rates in an rhBMP-2-dependent rat posterolateral arthrodesis model. Global Spine J. 2016 Feb;6(1):60-8. PMID: 26835203.
  • Ghodasra JH, Weatherford BM, Nickoli MS, Daley EL, Chen K, Zhang LQ, Hashmi SZ, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. The effect of rhBMP-2 in a novel, non-instrumented extremity nonunion model. J Orthop Sci. 2016 Jan;21(1):79-85. PMID: 26740420.
  • Sonn KA, Kannan AS, Bellary SS, Yun C, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Parimi V, Ghosh A, Shawen N, Ashtekar A, Stock SR, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 on a novel lung cancer spine metastasis model in rodents. J Orthop Res. 2016 Jul;34(7):1274-81. PMID: 26694749.
  • Hsu EL, Sonn K, Kannan A, Bellary S, Yun C, Hashmi S, Nelson J, Mendoza M, Nickoli M, Ghodasra JH, Park C, Mitchell S, Ashtekar A, Ghosh A, Jain A, Stock SR, Hsu WK. Dioxin exposure impairs BMP-2-mediated spinal fusion in a rat arthrodesis model. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Jun 17;97(12):1003-10. PMID: 26085534.
  • Lee SS, Hsu EL, Mendoza M, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Ashtekar A, Polavarapu M, Babu J, Riaz RM, Nicolas JD, Nelson D, Hashmi SZ, Kaltz SR, Earhart JS, Merk BR, McKee JS, Bairstow SF, Shah RN, Hsu WK, Stupp SI. Gel scaffolds of BMP-2-binding peptide amphiphile nanofibers for spinal arthrodesis. Adv Healthc Mater. 2015 Jan 7;4(1):131-41. PMID: 24753455.
  • Ghodasra JH, Daley EL, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Factors influencing arthrodesis rates in a rabbit posterolateral spine model with iliac crest autograft. Eur Spine J. 2014 Feb;23(2):426-34. PMID: 24166021.
  • Lynch TS, Saltzman MD, Ghodasra JH, Bilimoria KY, Bowen MK, Nuber GW. Acromioclavicular joint injuries in the National Football League: Epidemiology and management. Am J Sports Med. 2013 Dec;41(12):2904-8. PMID: 24057030.
  • Hsu EL, Ghodasra JH, Ashtekar A, Nickoli MS, Lee SS, Stupp SI, Hsu WK. A comparative evaluation of factors influencing osteoinductivity among scaffolds designed for bone regeneration. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Aug;19(15-16):1764-72. PMID: 23521090.
  • Hsu WK, Riaz R, Polavarapu M, Larson AG, Diegmueller JJ, Ghodasra JH, Hsu EL. Characterizing the host response to rhBMP-2 in a rat spinal arthrodesis model. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 May 20;38(12):E691-8. PMID: 23429681.
  • Khanifar AA, Lederer DE, Ghodasra JH, Stinnett SS, Lee JJ, Cousins SW, Bearelly S. Comparison of color fundus photographs and fundus autofluorescence images in measuring geographic atrophy area. Retina. 2012 Oct; 32(9):1884-91. PMID: 22547167.
  • Watson KK, Ghodasra JH, Furlong M, Platt ML. Visual preferences for sex and status in female rhesus macaques. Anim Cogn. 2012 May; 15(3):401-7. PMID: 22160645.
  • Hsu WK, Polavarapu M, Riaz R, Roc GC, Stock SR, Glicksman ZS, Ghodasra JH, Hsu EL. Nanocomposite therapy as a more efficacious and less inflammatory alternative to bone morphogenetic protein-2 in a rodent arthrodesis model. J Orthop Res. 2011 Dec; 29(12):1812-9. PMID: 21590717.
  • Bearelly S, Khanifar AA, Lederer DE, Lee JJ, Ghodasra JH, Stinnett SS, Cousins SW. Use of fundus autofluorescence images to predict geographic atrophy progression. Retina. 2011 Jan; 31(1):81-6. PMID: 20890245.
  • Moen TC, Ghate R, Salaz N, Ghodasra JH, Stulberg SD. A monoblock porous tantalum acetabular cup has no osteolysis on CT at 10 years. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2011 Feb; 469(2):382-6.  PMID: 20809172.
  • Watson KK, Ghodasra JH, Platt ML. Serotonin transporter genotype modulates social reward and punishment in rhesus macaques. PLoS One. 2009 Jan; 4(1):e4156. PMID: 19142220.
  • Best Chief Resident Paper Award, UCLA Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2018
  • Western Orthopaedic Association Resident Research Award – Top research manuscript, 2017
  • Lloyd Taylor Award - Best resident manuscript and podium presentation, Western Orthopaedic Association, 2015
  • Magna Cum Laude in Scientia Experimentali, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2013
  • Graduated with Distinction in Research, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2013 
  • Jerold A. Lein Endowed Scholar - 4-year merit scholarship, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2008-2013
  • Magna Cum Laude, Duke University, 2008
  • Phi Beta Kappa, Duke University, 2007
  • Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, 2002

International/National Presentations

  • Ghodasra JH, Yousaf IS, Rozental TD, Means KR, Giladi AM. Evaluating the Relationship Between the Second Metacarpal Cortical Percentage and Loss of Reduction in Non-Operative Distal Radius Fracture Treatment. American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), 2020 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, January 2020.
  • Ghodasra JH, Yousaf IS, Puvanesarajah V, Thakkar MY, Means KR, Giladi AM. Assessing the Relationship Between Bone Density and Loss of Reduction in Non-Operative Distal Radius Fracture Treatment. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), 2019 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Las Vegas, NV, September 2019.
  • Ghodasra JH, Soohoo NF. Orthopaedic Surgery Residents and the Physician Payments Sunshine Act: An Examination of Payments to Trainees in the Open Payments Database. American Orthopaedic Association (AOA), 2018 Annual Meeting. Poster presentation, Boston, MA, June 2018.
  • Ghodasra JH, Lee C, Yamaguchi KT, Pereira CT, Benhaim PB. Feasibility and reliability of open reduction and internal fixation in delayed distal radius fractures. American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Phoenix, AZ, January 2018.
  • Ghodasra JH, Hegde VV, Gurbani AN, Jensen AR, Yamaguchi KT, Dowd CL. Quality, accuracy and readability of online queries for Dupuytren’s contracture: Are they reliable resources for patient education? American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, San Francisco, CA, September 2017.
  • Lee C, Pereira CT, Ghodasra JH, Yamaguchi KT, Rough J, Benhaim PB. Feasibility and reliability of open reduction and internal fixation in delayed distal radius fracture management. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, San Francisco, CA, September 2017.
  • Ghodasra JH, Jensen AR, Gurbani AN, Hegde VV, Yamaguchi KT, Dowd CL. Evaluation of the quality, accuracy, and readability of online resources for Dupuytren's Disease: Are they reliable resources for patient education? American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Waikoloa, HI, January 2017.
  • Yamaguchi KT, Maciel RC, Jensen AR, Buser Z, Ghodasra JH, Wang JC, Petrigliano FA, Dowd CL. Patient demographics and complications following operative treatment distal radius fractures: A review of 260,953 cases. American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), 2017 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Waikoloa, HI, January 2017.
  • Maciel RC, Yamaguchi KT, Jensen AR, Ghodasra JH, D’Oro A, Wang JC, Petrigliano FA. Demographics and complication rates following open treatment of midshaft forearm fractures in the medicare population. American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Waikoloa, HI, January 2017.
  • Koh, JL, Kosempa D, Gupta K, Ghodasra JH, Lynch TS, Bowen MK, Nuber G. Incidence, type, and return to play after sternoclavicular (SC) joint injury in the National Football League: A review of 95 sternoclavicular joint injuries. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM), 2016 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Colorado Springs, CO, July 2016. 
  • Ghodasra JH, Weatherford B, Nickoli MS, Daley EL, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 leads to bony healing in a novel, ulnar nonunion model. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), 2016 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Orlando, FL, March 2016. 
  • Nuber GW, Chambers C, Lynch TS, Gibbs D, Mack C, Franke K, Ghodasra JH, Sahota S. Superior from anterior to posterior tears in the National Football League: Incidence, effects, and treatment. National Football League Physician Society, 2016 Scientific meeting. Podium presentation, Indianapolis, IN, February 2016.
  • Kannan AS, Sonn KA, Bellary SS, Yun C, Hashmi SZ, Cook R, Ashtekar A, Ghosh A, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Okoli M, Stock SR, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Effect of rhBMP-2 on lung cancer spine metastasis in rodents. North American Spine Society (NASS), 2015 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, October 2015.
  • Ghodasra JH, Lee D, Mitchell S. Failure of fixation of volar locked plating of distal radius fractures. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), 2015 Annual meeting. Podium presentation. Seattle, WA, September 2015.
  • Mendoza M, Yun C, Mitchell S, Kannan AS, Sonn KA, Bellary SS, Yun J, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Park CJ, Ashtekar A, Ghosh A, Jain A, Stock SR, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. Dioxin exposure inhibits osteogenic differentiation and impairs bone healing in a rat spine fusion model. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS), 2015 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, San Francisco, CA, June 2015.
  • Sonn KA, Bellary SS, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Stock S, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 on lung cancer spine metastasis in rodents. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), 2015 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Las Vegas, NV, March 2015.
  • Kannan A, Bellary SS, Sonn KA, Yun C, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Stock SR, Ashtekar A, Nickoli MS, Mendoza M, Ghodasra JH, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Inhibition of osteogenic differentiation and spine fusion by dioxin, a cigarette smoke constituent. Cervical Spine Research Society (CSRS), 2012 Annual meeting. Podium presentation (Basic Science Award Nominee), Orlando, FL, December 2014.
  • Bellary SS, Sonn KA, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Ashtekar A, Park CJ, Yun C, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. The role of dioxin in smoking-mediated bone healing inhibition. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2014 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, May 2014.
  • Bellary SS, Sonn K, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Park C, Ashtekar A, Nicolas J, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, LaBelle M, Jain A, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. The role of TCDD in smoking-mediated bone healing inhibition. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2014 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, New Orleans, LA, March 2014.
  • Sonn KA, Bellary SS, Hashmi SZ, Nelson JT, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Ashtekar A, Park CJ, Ghosh A, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Establishment of a novel lung cancer spine metastasis model in rodents. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2014 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, New Orleans, LA, March 2014.
  • Lynch TS, Saltzman MD, Ghodasra JH, Nuber GW, Bowen MK. Acromioclavicular joint and distal clavicle injuries in the National Football League: Epidemiology and management. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon (ASES), 2013 Closed Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Las Vegas, NV, October 2013.
  • Nelson JT, Hashmi SZ, Lee SS, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Ashtekar A, Park C, Hsu EL, Hsu WK, Sonn KA. BMP-2 direct- and indirect-binding nanogels designed for bone regeneration: A comparison of spinal fusion capacity. North American Spine Society (NASS), 2013 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, New Orleans, LA, October 2013.
  • Hashmi SZ, Ashtekar A, Nelson JT, Park CJ, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, LaBelle M, Hsu WK, Hsu WL. Smoking-mediated inhibition of bone healing: Mechanistic role of dioxin. North American Spine Society (NASS), 2013 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, New Orleans, LA, October 2013.
  • Nelson JT, Hashmi SZ, Lee SS, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Park C, Ashtekar A, LaBelle M; Jain A, Stupp SI, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. A comparison of spinal fusion capacity of BMP-2 direct- and indirect-binding nanogels designed for bone regeneration. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2013 Annual meeting. Podium presentation (AO Spine Fellows Research Paper Award), Chicago, IL, April 2013.
  • Hashmi SZ, Ashtekar A, Park C, Nelson JT, Nicholas J, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, LaBelle M, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. The mechanistic role of dioxin in smoking-mediated inhibition of bone healing. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2013 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2013.
  • Lynch TS, Saltzman MD, Ghodasra JH, Bilimoria KY, Bowen MK, Nuber GW.  Acromioclavicular joint and distal clavicle injuries in the National Football League. National Football League Physician Society, 2013 Scientific meeting.  Podium presentation, Indianapolis, IN, February 2013.
  • Hashmi, SK, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Park C, Ashtekar A, Nicolas J, LaBelle M, Jain A, Nelson J, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Ovariectomy combined with low calcium diet causes osteoporosis but does not impact spine fusion rate in a rat posterolateral arthrodesis model. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2013 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, San Antonio, TX, January 2013.
  • Park C, Ashtekar A, Nicolas J, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Hashmi SK, Nelson J, LaBelle M, Jain A, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. Investigation into the role of TCDD in smoking-mediated bone healing inhibition. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2013 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, San Antonio, TX, January 2013.
  • Ghodasra JH, Daley EL, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Arthrodesis and pseudarthrosis rates in a rabbit posterolateral spine arthrodesis model with iliac crest autograft and bone graft substitutes. Cervical Spine Research Society (CSRS), 2012 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Chicago, IL, December 2012.
  • Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Mendoza M, Babu J, Polavarapu M, Nelson D, Maharaj K, Stupp SI, McKee JS, Bairstow SF, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. A bioactive, biodegradable, BMP-2-binding nanofiber scaffold to enhance spinal arthrodesis in a rat model. North American Spine Society (NASS), 2012 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Dallas, TX, October 2012.
  • Ghodasra JH, Daley EL, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Arthrodesis and pseudarthrosis rates in 78 studies utilizing a rabbit posterolateral spine arthrodesis model with iliac crest autograft. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2012 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Chicago, IL, April, 2012.
  • Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Stupp SI, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. The variability of commercially available scaffolds in promoting osteogenesis in vitro. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2012 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2012.
  • Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Mendoza M, Babu J, Polavarapu M, Nelson D, Maharaj K, Stupp SI, McKee JS, Bairstow SF, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Evaluation of a novel bioactive nanofiber scaffold to elicit spine fusion in a rodent arthrodesis model. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2012 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2012.
  • Hsu WK, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Nelson D, Stupp SI, Hsu EL. The variability of commercially available scaffolds in promoting osteogenesis in vitro. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2012 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, San Francisco, CA, February 2012.
  • Hsu WK, Riaz R, Polavarapu M, Roc GC, Stock SR, Larson AG, Ghodasra JH, Hsu EL. MRI evaluation correlates with serum cytokine profile in response to recombinant bone morphogenetic protein in a rodent posterolateral spine fusion model. North American Spine Society (NASS), 2011 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, November 2011.
  • Hsu WK, Polavarapu, Riaz R, Roc GJ, Stock SR, Larson AG, Ghodasra JH, Glicksman ZS, Hsu EL. A nanocomposite therapy as a more efficacious and less inflammatory alternative to bone morphogenetic protein-2 in a well-established rodent posterolateral spine fusion model. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2011 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Long Beach, CA, January 2011.
  • Hsu WK, Riaz R, Polavarapu M, Roc GJ, Stock SR, Larson AG, Ghodasra JH, Glicksman ZS, Hsu EL. An animal model that characterizes the host response to bone morphogenetic protein during early bone healing in a rodent spinal fusion model. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2011 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Long Beach, CA, January 2011.
  • Hsu WK, Riaz R, Polavarapu M, Roc GC, Stock SR, Larson AG, Ghodasra JH, Glicksman ZS, Hsu EL. The characterization of the host response to bone morphogenetic protein during early bone healing in a rodent spinal fusion model. Cervical Spine Research Society (CSRS), 2010 Annual meeting. Podium presentation (Nominated for Best Scientific Paper), Charlotte, NC, December 2010.
  • Riaz R, Polavarapu M, Roc GC, Ghodasra JH, Glicksman ZS, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. A nanocomposite therapy leads to robust spinal fusion in a posterolateral rodent arthrodesis model. North American Spine Society (NASS), 2010 Annual meeting. Podium presentation (Nominated for Outstanding Paper), Orlando, FL, October 2010.
  • Riaz R, Polavarapu M, Roc GC, Ghodasra JH, Glicksman ZS, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. A nanocomposite therapy leads to robust spinal fusion in a posterolateral rodent arthrodesis model. Lumbar Spine Research Society (LSRS), 2010 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2010.
  • Lederer, DE, Cousins SW, Khanifar AA, Ghodasra JH, Stinnett SS, Lee JJ, Bearelly S. Evaluation of grading errors associated with color fundus photo and fundus autofluorescence in patients with geographic atrophy. American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE), 2008 Annual joint meeting. Poster presentation, Atlanta, GA, November 2008.

Regional/Local Presentations

  • Yousaf IS, Ghodasra JH, Sanghavi KK, Means KR, Giladi AM. Disuse osteopenia developing during nonoperative distal radius fracture treatment. MedStar Health-Georgetown University 2020 Annual research symposium. Poster presentation, Bethesda, MD, May 2020.
  • Yousaf IS, Ghodasra JH, Puvanesarajah V, Thakkar MY, Means KR, Giladi AM. Assessing the relationship between bone density and loss of reduction in non-operative distal radius fracture treatment. MedStar Health-Georgetown University 2019 Annual research symposium. Poster presentation, Bethesda, MD, May 2019.
  • Yousaf IS, Ghodasra JH, Puvanesarajah V, Thakkar MY, Means KR, Giladi AM. Correlating loss of distal radius fracture reduction and bone density. Maryland Orthopedic Association (MOA), 2019 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Annapolis, MD, February 2019.
  • Ghodasra JH, Soohoo NF. Orthopaedic surgery residents and the Physician Payment Sunshine Act: Are payments to resident physicians being reported in the open payments database? Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2018 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Snowmass, CO, August 2018.
  • Ghodasra JH, Yamaguchi KT, Lee D, Mitchell S, Dowd CL. Radiographic risk factors for loss of fixation following volar plate fixation of intra-articular distal radius fractures. Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2017 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Koloa, HI, July 2017.
  • Ghodasra JH, Brown BA. Is the Internet a reliable source for patient education? A systematic review of online resources in orthopaedic surgery. Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Koloa, HI, July 2017.
  • Ghodasra JH, Gurbani AN, Jensen AR, Hegde VV, Yamaguchi KT, Dowd CL. The assessment of quality, accuracy and readability of internet queries for Dupuytren’s contracture: Are they reliable resources for patient education? Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2017 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Koloa, HI, July 2017.
  • Ghodasra JH, Wang D, Jayakar RG, Jensen AR, Yamaguchi KT, Jones KJ. Platelet-rich plasma in orthopaedic surgery: The assessment of quality, accuracy, and readability of online patient resources. Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2016 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Indian Wells, CA, September 2016.
  • Khan AZ, Kelley BV, Patel AD, Ghodasra JH, McAllister DR, Leong NL. Academic productivity among fellowship associated adult total joint reconstruction surgeons. Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2016 Annual meeting. Poster presentation, Indian Wells, CA, September 2016.
  • Ghodasra JH, Weatherford B, Nickoli MS, Daley EL, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. The effect of rhBMP-2 on a novel, non-instrumented extremity nonunion model. Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA), 2015 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Coeur D'Alene, ID, July 2015.
  • Schroeder GD, Murray MR, Savage JW, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Chen K, Guo X, Hsu EL, Zhang LQ, Hsu WK. The development of an inexpensive and reproducible model for evaluating the biomechanical effects of a discectomy. Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, 2013 Annual meeting. Podium presentation, Amelia Island, FL, April 2013.
  • Hashmi, SZ, Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Park CJ, Ashtekar A, Nicolas J, LaBelle M, Jain A, Nelson JT, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Ovariectomy combined with low calcium diet causes osteoporosis but does not impact spine fusion rate in a rat posterolateral arthrodesis model. Northwestern University Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day. Poster presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2013.
  • Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Mendoza M, Babu J, Polavarapu M, Nelson D, Maharaj K, Stupp SI, McKee JS, Bairstow SF, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. Evaluation of a novel bioactive nanofiber scaffold to elicit spine fusion in a rodent arthrodesis model. Northwestern University Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day. Poster presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2012.
  • Weatherford BM, Nickoli MS, Ghodasra JH, Daley EL, Chen K, Zhang LQ, Hsu EL, Hsu WK. The effect of rhBMP-2 on healing of a novel, non-instrumented extremity nonunion model. Northwestern University Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day. Poster presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2012.
  • Ghodasra JH, Nickoli MS, Nelson D, Stupp S, Hsu WK, Hsu EL. The variability of commercially available scaffolds in promoting osteogenesis in vitro. Northwestern University Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day. Poster presentation, Chicago, IL, April 2012.
  • Ghodasra JH, Watson KK, Platt ML. Female monkeys pay per view: Adaptive valuation of social images by rhesus macaques. Visible Thinking, Duke University Annual research symposium. Poster presentation, Durham, NC, April 2007.
  • Ghodasra JH, Dearner RO, Platt ML. Visual preferences for sex and status in humans. Visible Thinking, Duke University Annual research symposium. Poster presentation, Durham, NC, April 2006.

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