Kamil began experiencing shoulder instability his senior year of high school in 2011. He had his first partial shoulder dislocation occur during a hockey game. Keep reading to learn more about Kamil’s multiple shoulder dislocation treatment and recovery.

Dislocated Shoulder Injury

multiple shoulder dislocation treatment
Kamil's multiple shoulder dislocation treatment and recovery story.

“A player fell on top of me with my arm stretched out and my shoulder slipped out and in as I got to my skates. I did not think anything of it as it healed quickly the following week. Shortly after, I experienced a full dislocation that resulted in an emergency room visit for relocation,” said Kamil.

After much research and consideration Kamil’s parents ultimately decided he needed to see Dr. Brian McCall.

“Dr. McCall clarified the complications/mechanisms that follow a shoulder dislocation; suggesting surgery was the best preventative option. Initially, I decided against it, confident that I could exercise more caution and hold out before leaving for college. Not long after, I experienced another full shoulder dislocation while swimming, resulting in another ER visit. Reluctantly, I agreed that surgery must be done.”

Arthroscopic Anterior Labral Surgery

The first procedure Dr. McCall performed was an arthroscopic anterior labral repair.

“Like most undergoing their first surgery, I was extremely anxious. Dr. McCall reassured me as well as my parents of my decision with a calm and sincere demeanor. Before I knew it, I was in and out of surgery, waking up drowsy in a massive sling. During my follow-up he patiently walked me through my procedure. He provided a clear outline of the next few months and I was on my way to a swift recovery. I finished physical therapy a couple months into my first year of college.”

Multiple Shoulder Dislocation Treatment

“Fast-forward to my final year [of college], I partially dislocated my shoulder while with some friends. After consulting with Dr. McCall, we decided on doing more physical therapy. I did not experience any complications for a long period of time until the summer of 2019.

Unfortunately, Kamil slipped and fell on outstretched arms, causing another partial dislocation. "After this incident, I experienced overwhelming guilt, like I had undone such a crucial repair that could have been avoided. This time Dr. McCall suggested that another surgery may be necessary. I grew anxious and depressed at the uncertain severity and damage I had caused to a post-op shoulder. Along with the potential future complications of undergoing another surgery on that same shoulder. I ended up dislocating and relocating my shoulder three or four more times within two months before we finally decided a second surgery was necessary.”

Open Latarjet Shoulder Reconstruction

After multiple shoulder dislocations, Kamil decided on his next treatment plan. “Dr. McCall provided me the option of having the same, less invasive arthroscopic procedure as previous or an open latarjet procedure being done. This was a very difficult decision, ultimately, I chose open surgery." In October of 2019, Kamil arrived at the Belmont Surgery Center for surgery.

“I remember my recent procedure as a near flawless one with very minimal complications post-op. The healing process felt extremely quick. Dr. McCall walked me through the surgery while expressing how open surgery was a better option versus arthroscopic. He was able to more thoroughly inspect and clean out debris using the open procedure despite its invasiveness." Kamil finished physical therapy a few months later, regaining full strength and full range of motion. "My shoulder feels the most stable it’s ever been. During the passed two years, I got back into lifting weights, playing hockey, skiing, and other activities practicing extra caution and without any shoulder instability,” he said.

Kamil’s Shoulder Instability and Multiple Shoulder Dislocation Treatment

Since his last visit with Dr. McCall, Kamil has learned to take better care of himself physically. "Having undergone two different procedures on my left shoulder, Dr. McCall and his medical team deserve the utmost recognition and respect for the care they provide. While my journey to a full recovery was stressful, I am eternally thankful, humbled and lucky to have had a surgeon and team of such high caliber oversee it. Dr. McCall restored my long-lost confidence in my physical capabilities while dissipating the anxiety that haunted every injury. Dr. McCall will always be a hero of mine as he restored stability to my life physically as well as mentally and emotionally. He made the undertaking of both procedures smooth and uncomplicated while executing them with scrupulous care.

"I have a profound admiration for his skill, persistence and genuine concern for his patients and I am very fortunate to have discovered him. To those reading this, look no further than Dr. Brian McCall and his talented team of experts.”

Read more about overcoming shoulder pain and injuries: diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment.

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