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Orthotic insoles replace the lining of your shoes and are tailored to alleviate your foot pain. IBJI’s physicians and physical therapists recommend orthotics to treat many different lower body conditions.
Orthotics can correct problems with how you walk, stand, or run and can help with foot pain caused by conditions such as diabetes, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and arthritis.
How Do I Know If I Need Orthotics?
Orthotic insoles replace the lining of your shoes and are tailored to alleviate your foot pain. IBJI’s physicians and physical therapists recommend orthotics to treat many different lower body conditions.
If you experience pain in your feet, hips, knees, or back, orthotics may help. They can also make standing for extended periods of time painless.
Orthotics can correct problems with how you walk, stand, or run and can help with foot pain caused by conditions such as diabetes, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and arthritis.
Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf: Which Type of Orthotic Is Right for You?
The orthotic inserts sold on pharmacy shelves can only provide minimal or short-term relief. Since these products are not custom fitted for each individual, they can’t treat the specific root cause of each person’s pain.
Custom orthotics prescribed by a specialist are more effective for long-term pain relief. The experts at IBJI will perform an in-depth gait analysis and biomechanical evaluation to determine which type of orthotics you need to achieve the best results. The right orthotic insert will provide immediate pain relief for most people.
Different Types of Custom Orthotics
Some custom orthotics provide cushioning to alleviate the pressure on joints, while others offer control for a specific range of motion. Your specialist will recommend either a casted or heat-molded orthotic once you’ve been evaluated and your particular need is determined.
Casted Orthotics
Casted orthotics are created using a plaster mold of your feet. After the casts dry, they’re sent to a biomechanical lab to be professionally manufactured. The orthotics are then fabricated based on the recommendations made by your orthotic specialist. Casted orthotics can take up to three weeks to receive.
While getting fitted for your orthotic devices, you’ll learn what to expect as you break them in. The orthotics will alter the weight-bearing surfaces of your foot, so you’ll need a little time to adjust.
We typically have people start using their orthotics for one to two hours the first day, gradually increasing each day. You should never wear the devices for exercise or sports until you’re comfortable walking in them for an entire day. Casted orthotics typically last for five to seven years.
Heat-Molded Orthotics
In some cases, your IBJI orthotic specialist may recommend customizable off-the-shelf orthotics rather than casted orthotics. This allows them to try out several options to determine the best fit for you.
The orthotic will be heated, molded to your arch, and specially modified to fit your foot. With this type of orthotic, you can leave the office with your new custom insoles on the same day.
FAQs About Orthotics
Who Uses Custom Orthotics?
Anyone can use custom orthotics, but they’re most beneficial for people with certain medical conditions or inherited foot problems.
People who have pain in their feet, hips, knees, or back caused by the way they stand or walk will often find relief with custom orthotics. Runners, athletes, and anyone who has to be on their feet for work can benefit.
What Happens During an Initial Evaluations for Orthotics?
During your appointment for orthotic fabrication, an IBJI specialist will perform an in-depth gait analysis and biomechanical evaluation to determine which type of orthotic will help you achieve the best results.
Should Orthotics Hurt at First? Can New Orthotics Cause Pain?
Your new orthotics will take some getting used to but should not cause pain. If they’re hurting your feet, they may not have been properly fitted or designed, or you may not be correctly breaking them in.
Make sure to follow the instructions provided by your orthotic specialist, and let them know if you’re experiencing any pain.
How Long Does It Take to Get Used to Wearing Orthotics?
It’s important to follow the guidance on properly breaking in your new orthotics. If you’re not comfortable wearing them all day after about two weeks, let your IBJI specialist know so they can see if you need an adjustment.
Will Orthotics Fit in All of My Shoes?
Your custom orthotics will likely fit in some but not all of your existing shoes. To best accommodate them, choose shoes that have extra depth, a removable insole, and a stiff so