CT Scan Services

CT Scan Services

A CT Scan (CAT scans), or computerized tomography, captures the internal anatomy of the body with multiple angled x-ray images. CT images and results are then projected on a computer, printed on film, or transferred via CD/DVD. This noninvasive procedure photographs the bones, organs, blood vessels, and soft tissue throughout the body in order to detect and diagnose any internal medical conditions. Doctors commonly request CT Scans to examine the brain, chest, spine, abdomen and pelvis to easily diagnose issues such as: cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, concussion complications, disease, appendicitis, and other forms of trauma. To schedule a CT scan, contact IBJI today.

When Should You Consider a CT Scan

A patient undergoing a CT Scan is commonly trying to identify tumors, cysts, infections, or internal trauma within the body. This diagnostic imaging test is also a great means of examining any implanted medical devices in the body such as: pacemakers or prosthetics. Anyone can receive a CT Scan, however, if you have a history with kidney failure, diabetes or diabetic conditions, high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia, myeloma, or have been taking blood thinners please let your IBJI physician know, as these outlying situations can increase the odds of adverse effects. After reporting any medical conditions to your doctor, preparation for a CT Scan is as followed: don’t eat or drink for a few hours beforehand, take off all metal objects, and let the doctor know of the possibility of a potential pregnancy. IBJI technicians will walk you through the steps to assure that the scan goes smoothly and without fail.

CT Scans at IBJI

A CT Scan is just one of the diagnostic imaging tests that the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute offers to patients at 10 different locations throughout Northern Illinois.

Other CT Scan Imaging Results

The following are examples of results that a CT Scan can provide to a doctor.

  • Lymphoma
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Blood Clots
  • Pneumonia
  • Congenital Malformations
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Severe Injuries
    • Lungs
    • Heart
    • Liver
    • Spleen
    • Kidneys

Other Diagnoses that Doctors Can Conclude with CT Scan Imaging

The following are more examples of what doctors can conclude with a CT Scan:

  • Biopsy guidance
  • Minimally invasive tumor treatments
  • Measure radiation treatment & chemotherapy

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