Faith K., ATC

Faith K., ATC
  • Certified Athletic Trainer
Appointment Line: (847) 724-4791

Contact Information


Faith came to IBJI in 2019 after receiving her undergraduate degree in athletic training from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. During her time in Missouri, Faith completed clinical hours with over 15 athletic teams, including women’s basketball, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, men’s rugby, football, and wrestling. 

Prior to accepting a full-time position at the Glenview Physical and Occupational Therapy Clinic, she was an intern for IBJI’s head athletic trainer, where she gained experience with overhead sports and treated some of Chicago’s professional athletes. Faith particularly enjoys rehabilitating players with ACL and other knee injuries as well as throwing athletes due to her background in collegiate softball. 

As of 2021, Faith is IBJI's Athletic Training Internship and Outreach Coordinator, Head Clinical Athletic Trainer, a Phase IV Class instructor, and pool assistant athletic trainer for the Chicago Hounds. 

Faith is very passionate about helping athletes from their point of injury on the field and initial evaluation through their rehabilitation process and during their eventual return to play.


Bachelor of Science

Lindenwood University

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